Agreement struck in fatal carbon monoxide poisoning; $2 million settlement

“This was a 42 USC 1983 civil rights lawsuit brought against the Columbia Housing Authority on behalf of the family of Calvin J. Witherspoon, Jr. who died from carbon monoxide poisoning on Jan. 17, 2019, at the Allen Benedict Court Apartments in Columbia (South Carolina)…
…the facts alleged in this case shock the conscience: a public housing authority’s deliberate indifference to a risk of harm that threatened numerous families living in low-income housing. What is more, two men died because of that indifference…”
This incident led to a federal requirement for CO alarms/detectors in U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD)-Assisted Housing:
Agreement struck in fatal carbon monoxide poisoning; $2 million settlement – South Carolina Lawyers Weekly (

NFPA Journal: General Negligence

“A new Fire Protection Research Foundation report highlights the nation’s enduring CO problem”

CO Detection: What It Is and Why We Need It